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Granulated sulfur
| Production
Ground sulfur
Ground sulfur

Lump sulfur

(for agricultural needs GOST 127.5-93)

(for RTI GOST 127.4-93)

(GOST 127.1-93)





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(sulfur in solution)

Innovative product

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Granular sulfur is an element of the third period of the periodic table of chemical elements
of D. I. Mendeleev, with atomic number 16. Exhibits non-metallic properties.

Physico-chemical properties.
Granular sulfur has the chemical properties of ground sulfur and in addition: it does not
stick during long-term storage; it dusts less during loading, which in turn
reduces ingress into the lungs and bronchi of workers. Granular sulfur, although it requires special
production techniques, belongs to the category of more preferred forms. Among its advantages are
We point out the convenience and safety during storage and transportation (by any type of transport),
low losses, improvement of sanitary and hygienic working conditions and production culture.

The variation of granulation techniques (air, fluidized bed, water)
allows you to adjust the size (from 0.5 to 6 mm) and the shape of granules (grains, pellets, capsules, balls
, etc.). It is believed that the best geometric shape of brittle solid sulfur is spherical,
characterized by the most favorable mass-volume ratio and the greatest strength
(the least possibility of triggering the lever effect, which increases the destructive forces).

Approximately half of the sulfur produced is used in the production of sulfuric acid.
Granular sulfur is used for vulcanization of rubber, as a fungicide in agriculture. Also
, sulfur in the composition of sulfur bitumen compositions is used to produce sulfur asphalt, and as
a substitute for Portland cement - to produce sulfur concrete. Sulfur is used for the production
of pyrotechnic compounds, was previously used in the production of gunpowder, and is used for
the production of matches.
(GOST 127.1-93)
Lump sulfur (technical gas lump sulfur and technical natural lump sulfur) is a modification of crystalline rhombic sulfur with a distorted shape, light yellow crystals. The production and use of lump sulfur is regulated by GOST 127.1-93. Lump sulfur (technical natural lump sulfur and technical gas lump sulfur) is a solid crystalline substance of light yellow color. Natural lump sulfur is smelted directly from sulfur ore. If it is formed by obtaining it from hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide and is a product of purification of coke oven and natural gases, then it is called lump gas. People have been using natural sulfur and sulfur compounds since ancient times. In the times of alchemists, sulfur was considered a flammable natural principle, and indeed, sulfur is very flammable and requires care when handling. Sulfur also belongs to substances of the 4th hazard class. If the rules for working with sulfur and its compounds are not followed, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and mucous membranes of the eyes occurs, and sulfur also causes irritation of the skin and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The raw materials for the production of natural industrial lump sulfur are native sulfur and polymetallic sulfide ores, and industrial gas lump sulfur is a product of the purification of coke and natural gases and waste gases from oil and shale processing. APPLICATION Most of the produced lump sulfur is used as a raw material for the industrial production of sulfuric acid . Lump sulfur is also used in the paper industry (to produce cellulose sulfite), to combat diseases of a number of plants (primarily grapes and cotton) in agriculture, as a vulcanizing agent in the rubber industry, for the production of dyes and luminous compounds, in the process of synthesis of black (hunting) gunpowder, in the production of matches. Lump sulfur is used in many industries. It is a raw material for the production of sulfuric acid and various sulfites. The production of explosives, dyes and luminous compounds, the synthesis of black (hunting) gunpowder is carried out using lump sulfur. In agriculture, it is used as a chemical to protect cultivated plants (grapes, cotton) from harmful insects. In the paper industry, sulfite cellulose is produced using sulfur; in the rubber industry, it is a vulcanizing agent (a special additive to accelerate the vulcanization process) in the production of rubber. Specifications. Lump sulfur is practically insoluble in water, but it dissolves well in carbon disulfide, anhydrous ammonia, and a number of organic solvents (phenol, benzene). It is a poor conductor of heat and electricity. Package. Lump sulfur is packaged in special plastic bags, soft disposable containers or, by agreement with the consumer, can be delivered in bulk. Transportation. Transportation of lump sulfur is carried out by road,by rail or water transport in accordance with the rules for the transportation of goods that exist for this type of transport. By rail it is transported either in bulk in gondola cars with lower trays, as agreed with the consumer, or in covered cars, the doors being closed with safety shields. Storage. Lump sulfur is stored under a canopy or in open areas, observing the rules for storing this substance and fire safety techniques. These sites must be equipped with an industrial storm sewer (closed sewer made of non-combustible material). Safety precautions. Lump sulfur is flammable, a fire hazard, and requires caution when handling it. Its ignition temperature is 190°C. However, when working with it, you must follow fire safety rules. According to the degree of impact on the human body, it belongs to substances of the fourth hazard class. Sulfur causes inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, skin, and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Industrial premises where work with sulfur lump is carried out must be equipped with exhaust ventilation to prevent the concentration of harmful substances in the air of the working area. When in contact with sulfur, all workers must be provided with special clothing and personal protective equipment.

(FOR RTI GOST 127.4-93)
Ground sulfur for rubber products and caoutchoucs GOST 127.4-93 (grinding <0.14 mm). It is used as a vulcanizing agent in the tire and rubber industries for the vulcanization of isoprene, butadiene and many copolymer rubbers with a high degree of unsaturation. It is also used in the asbestos-textile industry, for the production of asphalt-concrete mixtures, and in the pyrotechnic industry.

Ground sulfur GOST 127.5 - 93 (for agricultural needs) is one of the most important components for the production of mineral fertilizers and fungicides. Used for feeding agricultural crops (shrubs, fruit trees, vineyards), as an acarofunsicide to combat powdery mildew and mites on all crops, as a sulfur additive to the soil (effective soil acidification)

Also used for cows and young cattle, goats, sheep , cats, dogs and chickens as one of the main components of feed and medicinal mixtures:

-activates digestion and metabolism, normalizes heat exchange;
-promotes the synthesis of vitamins and sulfur-containing amino acids;
-improves the quality of wool in goats and sheep and feather cover in birds;
-has an antiparasitic and cleansing effect;
-increases live weight gain and increases milk yield and fat content of milk;
-improves the taste of milk, meat and eggs.
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| Why choose us?
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Openness for your business.
See for yourself.
You can verify this yourself
by receiving a sample of ground sulfur absolutely free.
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Optimal production location.
We're closer than we think.
The production facilities of our enterprise are located in close proximity to the oil refining complex, which minimizes transportation costs for the supply of raw materials and has a positive effect on product pricing.

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Economical logistics.
The company’s logistics specialists will offer the most advantageous delivery offers, choosing a return, passing or “pre-loading” option. These measures allow you to save on product delivery by 1.5 - 2 times from market prices.

We do not make money on delivery.
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Openness for your business.

We're closer than we think.
We are always ready to meet our consumer halfway, take into account his wishes and needs, discuss technical issues and consider mutually acceptable payment terms. At any stage, you can independently
request copies of the statutory documents and
request data on the status of the transaction.
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Special conditions.
We are meeting halfway.
If you are already a consumer of ground sulfur, our company is ready to consider individual pricing and payment terms.

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| Scheme of work
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You fill out the application

already at this stage you can Request statutory documents by attaching a partner card

Request statutory documents
Our manager will contact you and clarify the details.

You receive your goods

We deliver the required amount of sulfur by road or rail.

Find out the status of the transaction execution
| Contacts

Contact whith us:
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TK "Seraprom" LLC © 2024
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Our office:
Ufa, st. Parkhomenko, 156/3 - office 1012
7 (930) 333 47 57 - sales department
8 (347) 286 14 16
8 (917) 777 3 444
real@seraprom.ru - sales department
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